Monday, June 9, 2014

Tut tut, looks like rain!

So it is already June and with it comes the almost end of the hot season. Thank goodness! 

Since my last blog post, which was when this said hot summer season was just starting, I have been sweating away here in the Pines. When I say hot I mean sit and do nothing and your whole body is still sweating all over hot, can’t live without electric fan hot, spend all my money on Gatorade to stay hydrated and sit in the 711 air con hot, and travel an hour away to the city to sit in air con for the day multiple times a week hot.  Some days have reached up to 106 F, which is bad in itself, and then there’s brownouts too.   

Brownouts are when the power turns off because the electric company is trying to save money.  I have experienced brownouts here before this summer, but now is when they really seem unbearable because you think life without air con is bad back in the states try to do life without even an electric fan in 106 degree heat.

So now as the rain comes, I get so excited because this is a sign to the end of this heat that no one could have prepared me for.
Sili(Pepper) Ice Cream to stay cool

With June also comes with the nearing of my one year anniversary. So I have been looking back and thinking about the things that have been going on in this year of my life here. So this is the list I came up with...

About Philippines

Words can not express how wonderful and hospitable the people are here in the Philippines. I have never met such caring and generous people even when they are going through some really traumatic experiences. And they are always telling me to eat..

Mango/fruit Cocktail Frost

Host family

I am still currently living with my host family and enjoy the support I receive from them outside of work.  It is nice to be able to come home and practice language or just be together.  Even though it would be nice to live on my own, I miss my independence a little, availability of housing prevents me from that.  I do happily accept this though! They have taught me a lot about the foods in my region and showed me a lot more catholic practices. Here's just a few pics of some of the tasty things I get to eat!
Grilled Tilapia
Mercedes de Braso
Bicol Express

Planned activities

Next month I am planning a training for the parent leaders in my organization of 4Ps at the DSWD.  The training will help to form a support group for 4Ps member after their 5 year benefits of the program, so that when they graduate from the program they will still have resource people to go to, the parent leaders, if they were having a problem or issue.  

In the mean time my usual tasks at work include co-facilitating Family Development Sessions, team building days for staff of 4Ps, and most recently as scholars orientation for beneficiary children of the program. It's nice to feel like I have my place :)

Lessons learned

In the first year of service I can say that it definitely has been a rollercoaster of emotions.  From going through my first holiday season away from my family to adjusting into my site, especially my job, there have been a lot of ups and downs.  My biggest things I am proud about myself is that I was patient and made it through the hardest part I think.I definitely have learned to be patient.  I wanted to find my niche right away, which was pretty much impossible to do in the beginning.  With time to get to know my community, this is when I can start projects and focusing in on what would be good for my community.

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