Friday, July 26, 2013

2 monthes in..... Limay, Bataan

So I am now with my host family!!!! 
Here is me, my cousin, & my Nanay (mother)! 

They are great!

I am here for a 10 weeks.

My days during the week consist of language training for 4 hours and technical or cultural & job training for 4 hours as well. Then on Saturday mornings me and 7 other volunteers located in this area facilitate sessions with in the community with the help of our Pilipino teachers.  

So I'm super busy and haven't had much time to post anything, but I will give a more detailed post soon.... Maybe with more pictures :) 

There's not much to say otherwise!

Oh and Sundays are my free days so if anyone would like to skype or chat just message me!

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