Thursday, June 27, 2013

And so it will begin....

This is my first blog EVER!

It really hasn't hit me yet that I signed up for a 27 month commitment to the Peace Corps.  I'm so excited and nerves have yet to set in. After large amounts of paper work, time, and stress I leave for the Philippines in almost a week, July 5th....


If you don't know me already, my name is Kelly. 
I'm 24 and grew up in this great little town in Wisconsin.  As much as I love it here with amazing friends, boyfriend, family and DOG that I will miss :( sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
much (deep breath),  this has been a dream of mine for quite some time.

I'm hoping this little blog can let everyone back at home see how I'm doing and if anyone else wants to read it to0 that's cool too!!!! 

But just a little info for now:

What is the Peace Corps?
Here's a link: 

What will I be doing?
The program I am going for is Children, Youth and Family Services (CYF).  My first three months I have training with other volunteers and then after that I'm placed somewhere in the country to actually start my individual assignment.  I can't say enough how excited I am about getting into this program and despite being a Wisconsin girl, use to cold weather, excited about the warm weather of the Philippines.

to be continued....

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