Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Now an Offical Volunteer!

Swearing in aka graduation was last week! I am now officially a United States Peace Corps Volunteer!!!!Training time had gone by so fast in Limay and now I have moved to Ocampo, Camarines Sur in the beautiful region of Bicol! A lot has happened since my last post obviously!

I have so much to share but I'll try to cover the basics......

So to catch up anyone who wants to know about what's been going on with me, here's some quick lines with pictures:
  • I traveled to Batangas for a supervisors conference where I found out where I will be going for the next two years, what organization I will be working with, and met my counterpart (us below).

  • Co-facilitated with other volunteers in one last youth camp! 

  • Finished training in Limay, celebrated and gave thanks to my host family. I will miss them dearly!

  • Passed my Language Proficiency Interview (LPI) some how...

  • Went to the United States Embassy in Manila where me and the other trainees were sworn in by the US Ambassador as official volunteers.  Kind of like graduation but with more security!

  • Lastly i then traveled 9 hours by van from Manila to Ocampo where I met my new host family and am settling in nicely!


that was a lot and I didn't give much details, but I will explain the organization where I'm working at for the next two years soon.  Also what I will be doing is still being figured out because that is in my control mostly, so for now I'm just learning and observing!